Easy ways to build customer trust

Building Customer Trust: 5 Easy Ways to Do It

According to Forbes, a whopping 83% of customers would recommend a company they trusted to others. 

This statistic alone is enough to make you understand the importance of building trust among the customers.

Every business adheres to values such as honesty, loyalty, and respect, but one value that is critical to any organization’s success in obtaining and keeping client trust. 

When dealing with customer relationship management, trust is essential. As a business, you understand that trust is your most valuable asset when it comes to developing solid customer relationships. Developing customer trust may decrease complications and make your life easier.

Best 5 ways to build customer trust

62% of customers say that they are loyal to brands they can trust.

Are you excited to know the ways by which you can win the trust of your customers? Below are the five ways that can help you build strong customer trust.

Customer loyalty to their brands

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1.) Be Honest and Transparent

According to Hubspot, 81% of customers trust recommendations from family and friends over those from companies.

If you want to win your customers’ trust, there are no easy ways to do it, you need to earn it. How do you go about doing that? A good place to start is to be upfront and clear about your goods, policies, and what potential consumers should expect from you as a company.

Being transparent with your customers is essential for gaining their loyalty, gaining their trust, and effectively growing your brand’s credibility

Being open and honest in a large or small business can earn you loyal customers who will put their trust in your company. When you mislead your clients, you begin to lose reputation and, with it, trust. It is nearly hard to keep a client who does not believe in your company.

While you may believe that being trendy and unexpected provides you a competitive advantage and makes your firm appear interesting, customers like to know exactly what they are receiving. 

Customers are considerably more inclined to trust you if you use an honest and transparent approach. They understand what you stand for and believe that your services and goods will be of the same quality every time.

2.) Delightful Customer Experience

When customers have a problem with anything, their trust is shaken. If customers have an issue and receive timely, helpful, and memorable customer care, they will remember you as a dependable brand for the rest of their lives.

Doing a decent job in the first place is the greatest strategy to build customer trust and decrease negative remarks. It’s not difficult to figure out what customers want. All they require is a customer service agent that listens to what they have to say and answers their problems properly.

Exceptional customer service exhibits compassion, a dedication to the needs of the customer, and a focus on responsibility. It demonstrates that your organization values its customers enough to calmly and consistently lead them through any problems they may be experiencing with your product or service.

One of the best ways to provide a delightful customer experience for your customers is by giving your agents the right tool that can resolve the issues quickly and efficiently.

Service CRM (Kapture’s One Suite) is the best “suited” tool for your agents that brings in all the queries and complaints to a single dashboard, identifies the issue and tags, and assigns them to the most suitable agents to give the best customer service experience and build trust among customers.

3.) Take Feedback and Work on Them

Do you know what is more important than taking feedback from a customer? 

Working on them.

You ordered a dish at a restaurant and the dish was a bit salty. You give feedback to the restaurant and the next time you go back and order the dish, it is just the way you instructed them the last time.

Won’t it build a sense of trust towards the restaurant in your heart?

Companies that genuinely feel their customers matter create loyal customer feedback. Asking for and acting on feedback is a simple approach to demonstrate that your company values its consumers.

By incorporating feedback, you demonstrate that you value what your customers have to say and respect them for more than simply their business. They are involved in decision-making, they are a member of your community, and they are ultimately invested in your firm.

Making adjustments based on customer input strengthens the relationship between business and consumer and fosters trust between you both.

4.) Be Reachable

82% of customers rate an immediate response (30 minutes or less) as important or very important when they have marketing or sales questions.

You bought a product online, and it turned out to be defective. You attempt to call customer service, but you are unable to reach them. This will erode your faith in the firm and cause you to swear that you will never do business with them again. Respect your clients’ time and strive to be available to them if they have a problem with your product or service.

Customers may attempt to contact you in order to inquire about a product or service, or even after they have made a transaction. Listening to clients and resolving their concerns promptly is the key to establishing trust.

Offering customers easily available, exceptional customer service will demonstrate to them that you respect their company much beyond their original transaction. Customers will be more likely to trust you if they know you care.

Customer support software includes tools and features such as self-service, which allows your customers to resolve frequent queries on their own. An AI-powered bot may also be useful in resolving client issues and complaints in a single step, and that too 27X7. 

Kapture provides a knowledge base about your product or service to your consumers in the form of text, photos, or video. Customizable FAQs enable consumers to get answers of their own questions, saving time for both agents and customers.

Give value to Consumer Trust

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5.) Personalize

Personalization is the key when it comes to building relationships that last a lifetime. Instead of using scripts and formulaic replies, encourage your support agents to offer personalized solutions

Thorough research into your customers’ wants, common difficulties, and pain areas can assist you in developing personalized solutions and messages that resonate with them on a very personal level.

Customers are significantly more inclined to trust you if you can demonstrate a deep awareness of their needs and give a solution that not only addresses their issues but also adds value.

Kapture’s reporting and analytics help you get detailed insights into your customer’s behaviors and provide a tailored solution.


In an age where customers have extraordinary access to information and a vast platform to vent their problems, it is critical to generate and sustain customer trust and confidence. As a result, you must do all possible to serve, delight, and empower your consumer base.

It is obvious that establishing consumer trust takes time. There are no shortcuts to getting this to work. Continue to do things correctly, and you will receive the desired result.

Book your demo today and mark your brand’s identity in this competitive market with efficient CRM software.

About the Author

Nimit Kumar
Ankit Kochar
Ankit Kochar is a content writer at Kapture CRM who loves to write creatively as well as informative content. He has worked as a creative and academic content writer in the past and has a keen knowledge of writing reports, essays and dissertations. His current field is helping him research and hone his SaaS knowledge.


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