Customer Service expectations from different generations

Customer Service Expectations from Different Generations

Remember the days where customer support meant mere phone calls, messages, or long emails? Being in this 21st century amidst all intelligent technologies, it is difficult to fathom a world devoid of technology that brings everything at your fingertips, especially for millennials. 

Therefore, a common challenge that customer support sectors can face today is the generational differences while providing support. With intelligent software like Kapture CRM customer support is seamless and efficient today. But does it suit all the generations? 

A good customer service strategy is not a one-size-fits-all approach anymore. To stay tight in the competition brands must be able to provide personalized customer experience and understand the generational differences, each of their needs, demands, and limitations. 

Kapture CRM provides customized support for all generations including Baby boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. We understand that customer service expectations are different from generation to generation and there are different comfort levels for different people. Therefore, we provide customer support across multiple channels keeping this in mind. 

Population by generation

Technology: Millennials Vs Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are a generation that dates back to the years following World War II. People of 50-60 age group are included in this category. While Millenials are the tech-savvy young generation, who grew up with the technology. 

There is a common misconception about the older generation and their experience when it comes to technology. However, according to Pew Research Institute, “ 67 percent own a smartphone and 57 percent use social media”. 

However, Kapture is an efficient helpdesk ticketing system that provides customized support to everyone based on their needs and demands. We include Boomers to millennials in our omnichannel design. Providing seamless and user-friendly experience via live chat, mobile app, social media, or calls.

Kapture Catering To Generations And Their Customer Expectations

Different generations expectations

Baby Boomers – Generation X

Though the majority of the people in the baby boomer generation have smartphones and are equipped with technology. Some might still prefer communication through calls when it comes to customer support. Kapture understands this and has an efficient ticket management system that prioritizes tickets based on set preferences.  With a Customer 360-degree view dashboard, there is no need for customers to explain their issues in detail. Agents will be able to access their customer’s journey and data providing seamless support through the phone without wasting a second of their time and energy. 

With powerful integrations with more than 500+ API, Kapture ensures that customers have a seamless experience while performing a specific task and does not have to juggle between multiple applications. Be it online shopping or booking a ticket Kapture makes it easy even for those who have very little technological knowledge. 

Millennials And The Generation X 

Along with providing a seamless experience for those who have little or no experience with technology, Kapture is also the best for the tech-savvy millennial generation. Millennials hate long phone calls and want everything at their fingertips. With features like the Self-Service portal, Kapture helps their customers help themselves. By providing FAQs for the most frequent questions, millennial customers can easily find answers to their queries without wasting their time in calls or chats. 

It’s a generation that is well-equipped with technology and more than 80% uses social media as their preferred medium of communication. Kapture offers them a wide selection of support channels with an omnichannel system. Customers can choose their preferred medium of communication while interacting with a brand. We ensure that every ticket is resolved by ensuring less or even zero ticket backlogs. 

Providing a delightful customer experience across all channels will also create a unique brand identity and positive word-of-mouth. Synchrony reports that “82% of millennials say that word-of-mouth is a primary motivator when it comes to their purchase decisions.”

Customer Service And Generation Gaps

Kapture is a SaaS-based enterprise-grade software that provides solutions by understanding the issue to its core. No matter, from which generation, region, or age your customers are from Kapture CRM ensures a seamless and streamlined experience across all verticals.

Check out our flexible pricing plans that are customized and suit every business model. 

To get to know more about us click here to book a demo. 


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