Delighting Different Customers From a Unified Platform

Delighting Different Customers From a Unified Platform

No matter how advanced businesses are today, the key to success is always providing delightful customer experiences. Great customer experiences are not built in a single day. It needs time, planning, and strategies that accord with your customer expectations. Today, with intelligent CRM software like Kapture ensuring customer delight and success across various platforms is just a cakewalk. 

“Companies that lead in customer experience outperform laggards by nearly 80%.” Qualtrics 

What does delighting customers mean?

Going above or beyond customer expectations and providing them with seamless support across multiple platforms gives you a delightful customer base. Just like CSAT or NPS, there is a customer delight index, which is a metric to find out how satisfied your customer is with the products and services you have provided. This is an important metric that decides the growth of your company. 

delightful customer experience


A gist of customer experience strategy


Ways of Delighting Customers From a Unified Platform 

There are multiple ways of providing a delightful customer experience. But, in this digitalized world, deploying a CRM like Kapture is the best way to delight your customers and provide them seamless support all from a unified platform. Kapture is an all-in-one platform that has all the intelligent tools and features to deliver a better and more contextual customer experience across platforms. 

Here are some of the unique features of Kapture that helps you deliver delightful customers support: 

  • Seamless Ticket Management

With Kapture, managing bulk tickets by providing instant responses are never a headache. It understands your business flow and manages tickets accordingly.  

For instance, you have a travel enterprise and a customer reaches out to you with a request to cancel their recent flight booking. With Kapture’s Customer 360 Degree view agents can easily resolve the customer query by viewing all the information of the ticket raised on a centralized live dashboard. Depending upon the nature of the query, the agent can automatically redirect the ticket into the respective department within just seconds. Therefore, the customer can easily cancel their ticket and avail more services if necessary without having to wait in long calls and unanswered email threads. 

  • Contextual Response

The best way to impress and delight your customers is to provide them with quick, accurate, contextual responses. What customers hate is to be involved in meaningless conversations. Kapture’s helpdesk ticketing system provides accurate responses that are instant and contextual by using customer contextual data. It creates seamless interaction and a delightful customer experience all from a unified platform. 

For instance, if you are in the healthcare sector and a customer raised a ticket regarding their recent appointment with a specific doctor. An omnichannel cloud-based unified CRM software will ensure that the customer representative to whom the call is assigned is well- equipped with all the data about the customer, their past interaction, queries, etc. by deploying this data, the agent can provide contextual responses and engage customers in delightful experience, at the same time solving their queries. 

Know more about the role of contextual support in enhancing your CX. 

  • Customer Segmentation 

Segmenting your customer queries based on priorities is of utmost importance when it comes to providing a seamless customer experience. Kapture’s all-in-one ticket management solution automatically segregates tickets based on their priority and redirects them to respective departments. Understand and appeal to your customers based on their preferences and provide them with a unique customer experience all from a unified platform. 

Kapture’s intelligent CRM software segregates customers based on demographics, past interactions, geographics, and behavioral data. Kapture unifies all the tickets raised and integrates them into a unified dashboard. Further, it automatically segregates each ticket based on set preferences and redirects it to the required departments. 

Therefore, Kapture’s intelligent CRM solution is the key to providing user delights. It seamlessly manages your support operations and streamlines workflow providing exceptional customer experience all from a centralized platform.

KaptureCRM helps businesses in providing delightful customer experiences across verticals. If you want a delightful customer base, Click here to book a demo with us.


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