Customer Service Support

The Future of Customer Service Support Software and Why Your Business Should Care

Prioritizing customer experience has a direct impact on a brands image.

American Express carried out a survey among customers, asking them “What could an organization do to differentiate themselves from the competition.

60% of customers replied that they were willing to pay more for better customer experience.

In fact, according to Temkin Group’s recent study, “Companies that gross a billion dollars annually could expect on average to earn a whopping 700 million dollars more in three years if they adopted customer experience as a priority.

I Put the Customer Ahead of Everything Else

Often enterprises find themselves dealing with multiple platforms to deal with leads and tickets.

Amidst the chaos of shuttling between excel sheets chrome tabs and software, employees burn mental energy that could be better used with an all-in-one software called a Customer Management Software.

A customer relationship management system is the central universe for positive customer experience. The cloud-based SaaS CRM service is a single dashboard from where sales and support operations can be automated.

Customer Support Software

The Five CRM Tools That Power Customer Experience

A study by Oracle found that close to 74% of top-level executives agreed that customer experience was the golden road to maximizing lifetime value.

With a customer service software you can extend communication channels across phone calls, emails, sms, social media, website forms and chats with the help of;

1. The Omni-Channel Inbox

The sales and support module use the Omnichannel as the first gateway to getting in touch with a customer.

Tickets and leads from different channels appear in this inbox.

Data like customer information, primary sources and inquiry priority are auto displayed in the inbox.

Instead of heading to multiple platforms to track leads and tickets, the Omnichannel inbox unifies all customer contact information into one dashboard.

2. Agent Shift Management

Agents can be added to the CRM, into a roster that allows sifting timings to each employee. This ensures that whenever a customer decided to reach out to you, agents are available online.

With the help of the Omnichannel inbox, you can have a roster of agents responding to multiple tickets simultaneously.

3. Auto Lead and Ticket Allocation

Folders can be set up across departments, to allot tickets and leads to a team member based on keywords in the query. Marketing leads get auto-assigned to the concerned teams, sales enquiries are sent across to the sales team. This workflow is achieved by simply adding employees to the round-robin distribution. In case they are online when an inquiry arrives, the CRM notifies them with a message.

4. Self-service Templates

Chat templates that respond to the most asked questions or frequently experienced issues can be set up as well. Along with automated responsive templates, customers can be guided to the solution with the help of simple AI.

5. SLA Timers

As soon as a ticket is generated an SLA timer is triggered. The SLA timer ensures that an agent replies to a ticket within a given period of time.

These timings are the condensed into reports that show you a bird’s eye view of how responsive your support team is.


The CRM is a low cost – high-value SaaS product that can be used to scale as you grow. By eliminating the need to grapple across different platforms, the Cloud-based solution can help your business offer excellent customer experience from anywhere in the world.


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