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What is ticketing software?

Ticketing software automatically converts all queries coming through multiple channels into tickets and brings them to a unified inbox. It comes with tools that helps your agents to resolve the tickets in a better and efficient way. When all the information required about the customer is on a single platform, it promotes better communication between the customers and the agent.

The ticketing software is here to make your agent’s job easier by consolidating all queries to a unified inbox. The agents can directly resolve the query from one platform and need not have to toggle between multiple windows. This saves their time and makes the resolution process quick, eventually delivering a delightful experience to the customers.

Furthermore, FAQs, informative articles, and AI-powered chatbots can also be deployed to help customers resolve queries on their own. This results in lowering the volume of tickets for the agents and allows them to focus on more serious issues.

A Ticket management system is the soul of any customer support system as it increases the efficiency of the agents by eliminating repetitive tasks and promoting contextual resolutions.

Why do you need ticketing software?

An efficient ticketing software helps your business by doing the following activities in your customer support service;

Centralize all queries

The capability to gather and classify all incoming support requests is one of the most obvious benefits. This is especially important for organizations dealing with huge amounts of inquiries. Not only does it make it easier for agents to manage support issues, but it also reduces the likelihood that certain customer requests will go unanswered/unresolved. Furthermore, because tickets may be prioritized, agents can choose which requests to respond to first.

As a result, they don't have to worry about answering all requests at once.

Better communication with customers

Ticketing system software facilitate communication between customers and service agents by bringing all interactions to a central point. Customers may access the ticket via their email inbox and continue interacting with the person in charge of their request. If the conversation has to be resumed by another representative, they will have access to all past conversations. As a result, will be able to provide that customer with a consistent and tailored experience.

Efficient team collaboration

Using Help Desk Software , automate day-to-day chores so your team may spend more time pushing more client requests to completion. Set up automatic assignment rules to route tickets to the appropriate agents, create Service Level Agreements to escalate issues, create notification rules to keep agents and customers up to date on the status of their issues, and write macros to perform routine tasks on any ticket you apply them to.

Increased agent productivity

Because of the amount of structure and automation provided by ticketing system software, agents may work on cases that correspond to their level of knowledge and always know which requests must be answered first based on ticket priority. This translates to increased agent efficiency, reduced room for human errors, and faster ticket response times. When dealing with complex situations, agents may effectively cooperate, resulting in faster ticket resolution.

Better SLA management

Customers benefit from SLAs because they provide clarity on when they may expect to receive a response. Furthermore, SLAs assist your support staff by providing them with objectives to strive for. As a result, it guarantees that your support representatives constantly fulfill agreed-upon service objectives and maintain excellent service standards.

Automated workflow

Ticketing systems give significant automation options. To begin, the system collects assistance requests from several sources and automates ticket production. When a customer contacts the support team through one of the support channels, a ticket is instantly created. The tickets are subsequently allocated and assigned to the concerned departments and agents depending on agent workload, competence, or other pre-defined characteristics. Automated ticketing system also makes it easy to prioritize issues and determine the sequence in which tickets are addressed to guarantee a prompt and efficient response.

Monitor key metrics

A ticketing software has reporting capabilities that enable the tracking of a range of customer service metrics/KPIs. Channel utilization, ticket volume, ticket resolution time, first response time, SLA compliance, agent activity, productivity, and many more important reports. These metrics serve as the foundation for monitoring your total customer service performance and efficiency, as well as providing useful insights into where your service operations may be improved.

Improved customer satisfaction

Another advantage of the ticketing system is increased customer satisfaction. When the ticket backlog is minimized, agents can efficiently prioritize, communicate, and answer requests more quickly. When interactions are professional and individualized, allowing customers to enjoy a better service experience, overall customer happiness rises.


Choosing the right ticketing software

The right ticketing software can help your agents resolve your customer queries in one go. Here are a few things you should keep in mind before opting for ticketing software for your business.


Easy to use

The quicker it is for your support employees to pick up the many subtleties necessary to resolve customers' inquiries, the more usable and intuitive Help Desk Ticketing System is. A basic, easy user interface will also ensure that your agents do not need to spend extensive hours on training and education. They can begin immediately.


Save Significantly

Compare and contrast the various price options offered by the market's online ticketing software. Check to see whether their feature sets match your customer support requirements. Choose something that does not pinch your pocket too hard and at the same time helps you deliver an excellent customer experience.


Cloud-based software

A cloud-based Help Desk Software makes it easier for your agents to access it from anywhere and at any time. It also ensures data security as the entire customer data is stored in a centralized cloud server, it minimizes the chances of data loss due to any unavoidable circumstances.

The essential features in ticketing software

Ticketing software brings the best out of your agents with the help of different features it has. Here is a list of essential features in ticketing software that you must look for.


Regardless of industry, your company requires a ticketing system software that uses rule engines. You may use them to develop automation rules for assigning new jobs. For example, you may use them to send warnings when tickets are late or to build a keyword-based filter system. It essentially removes the time lag between receiving a customer's request and routing it to the appropriate individual. The time necessary to service each user will be greatly reduced if repetitive procedures are automated. Simultaneously, it will limit the number of potential errors. Overall, workflow automation decreases agent workload and improves the customer experience.


The Self-service capability is found in the majority of ticketing software packages on the market. Customers can handle basic, recurrent difficulties with the aid of solution articles thanks to the product's extensive knowledge base.

Certain ticketing software goes a step further, detecting keywords in the customer's inquiry and using machine learning algorithms to provide potential answers. This is critical in diverting a major portion of tier 1 support issues and dramatically reducing the burden of your service desk workers, saving them time. Agents can then utilize this time to concentrate on resolving more critical, high-priority cases. A well-curated knowledge management system may also be used to teach new agents that join your company. This will assist you to save time and resources.


A robust knowledge base is the foundation of an effective customer support service. Quick replies using a searchable content database will result in happy customers and fewer support queries.

It is also an essential component of any ticketing software system. As such, it should be easily accessed from within the system. Having the ability to deflect tickets can save your team a substantial amount of time. A platform with smart recommendation and search capabilities may save you the time and effort of looking for appropriate information. Especially while dealing with the most often encountered difficulties and demands.

Banner Integration

When it comes to customer service, only getting queries from different channels to a unified inbox is not the end of the story. Agents need a complete view of a customer's journey and their information to resolve their queries. Seamless API integration helps in bringing all the data from different platforms together to a unified platform.

Banner SLA management with reporting and analytics

SLA, or Service Level Agreement, is a contract between a service provider and a customer that documents the two key components of issue resolution: response time and resolution time. It assists in setting expectations between both parties to achieve seamless customer service. A competent ticketing system will undoubtedly contain SLA policies as one of its primary features and will assist in monitoring them in the event of violations and for high-priority situations.

From a business aspect, ticketing systems also feature modules for monitoring and reporting, allowing you to follow the actions of help desk agents and their productivity levels. The reports' real-time data assists managers in making informed decisions and building stronger company strategies. Tracking important KPIs like AHT, TAT, CSAT, etc. helps in determining the overall performance of the entire customer support team.

Banner Smart and automated ticket escalation matrix

An effective ticketing software system includes capabilities like automated triggers, canned responses, and a routing system that optimize workflow and shorten the time it takes for tickets to reach the appropriate person. Triggers are essentially a cause-and-effect connection; customers perform one action, which causes another activity inside the workflow to be performed. Canned responses are message templates or predetermined replies that are issued in response to a support ticket. Routing assists in automatically routing tickets to the appropriate person or department.

In the near term, ticket escalation facilitates issue resolution for the customers. However, escalations can also help your firm enhance assistance in the long run. The idea is to use data and analytics to identify common tendencies and prevent further escalation.

Banner Omnichannel

It is more vital than ever to streamline your customer support operations across numerous platforms. By providing a variety of communication channels, you allow customers to select the one that best suits their needs. This freedom of choice leads to a better overall experience that benefits both parties.

An efficient ticket management system should be capable of tracking and managing requests from numerous channels. As of today, the two most popular support modes are phone and email, followed by live chat. Despite their popularity, social media networks lag far behind these three primary modes of communication - but there is no question that they will develop greatly soon. Choosing a system that allows these forms of interactions and consolidates them into a single clean, organized line of tickets will have a significant influence on your customer success outcomes.

Why is Kapture the most suitable ticketing software for your business?

Significant improvement in KPIs


Powerful tools that help in increasing overall agent productivity.

Fastest Implementation Cycle

In-house implementation team that makes your support system up and running in no time.

Smart Automation

Automate the repetitive tasks to save your agents’ time.

Contextual Resolutions

Correct and accurate resolutions with entire customer journey summarized on a single screen.

AI | ML Driven

AI and ML driven system to analyze the collected data and deliver accurate resolutions in one go.

Cutting-edge 1000+ API Integration

Unifies your support channels, your customer information and your team to work better together.

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