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What is Field Sales CRM System?

The fundamental idea that trigerred the development of a Field Sales CRM System is the fact that Sales Teams that work on the field with representatives having to visit various customer locations needed a huge helping hand. A Field Sales CRM Software eases the numerous challenges field sales teams have to deal with regularly that prevents them from achieving high productivity and successful sales. Here are the major challenges faced by sales teams on the field:


Tracking Reps

Traditional Field Sales seriously lacked a medium that enabled field managers to learn the whereabouts of agents on the job. While representatives literally had a field day, managers struggled to learn updates about meetings attended by each agent. Field Sales was crippled without this functionality and chaos ensued on the field resulting in fewer successful sales. With no means to monitor agents, field team managers couldn’t harness their capabilities to the highest potential.

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Communication Block in Several Spheres

In the absence of a regulated Field System, communication problems existed on several grounds. Without a smooth channel of communication between field members, a disconnect was experienced within the team as agents were in the dark regarding each other’s progress. Field Team members as well as sales managers had to rely on multiple channels of communication like frequent calls and messages which turned out to be quite a cumbersome process.

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Disorganized Data and Activity

Previously, Field Sales Data wasn’t organized and field activity tools weren’t made available on one place that was accessible to team members as they went about their duties on the field. Unavailability of relevant data on the field led to confusion and lack of clear insight among team members. Field Managers knew that assigning activities to field team members was a daunting task without an efficient system to smoothen things out.

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What are the Features of Field Sales CRM?


Syncing Work Calendar

Your Work Calendar is your guide to a successful field sales day. Unless your meetings, schedules, and plans for the day are at your fingertips throughout the day, its almost impossible to stay a step ahead of them all. The first and most valuable feature of a Field Sales CRM is Work Calendar Syncing that offers you a daily planner system on which you can schedule meetings with leads, track appointments with coordinated notifications, and obtain a concise view of daily plans and schedules.

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Live Location

Throughout the day, real-time location sharing takes place between field members and managers with the Live Location Tracking feature. This creates greater transparency within the team. Sales Representatives begin their day by logging in from which time they will be GPS-trackable. Reps check-in when attending meetings or demos and update customer info post meeting/demo. All the fine details of meetings are updated right on the System leaving Field Team free of impossibly large reports. Leads are also mapped in the most efficient way possible so you have a cursory view of all the potential opportunities in an area. Avail the aerial location view feature of the Field CRM System to see nearby customers and leads. Reps can effortlessly produce minutes of meeting and quotes for these customers/leads once meetings conclude.

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Meetings Dashboard

Field Teams must attend numerous meetings to increase their chances of scoring sales. If Managers could get a finger on the pie from wherever they are, that would be hugely beneficial for coordinating meetings smoothly. The Field Sales CRM offers a Meeting Map/Dashboard from where you can obtain a zone-wise picture of team meetings and check the nitty-gritties of individual meetings in real-time.

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Order Placement and Expenses

Field Sales is essentially about successful order placement and expenses in the fastest time possible. If either of these occur at snail’s pace, it means less productivity and slow sales for field teams. The Field Sales CRM lets reps take company catalogue along with them to the client location from where customers/leads can browse through products/services on the platform and make buying decisions immediately. Customers can view the whole range of products, place orders, attach notes to orders. Reps can declare daily field expenses, view & analyse expense record, and send expense reports to concerned managers.

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Two Strategies for Excellent Service Mangement

Productive Field Team

Be part of the most Productive Field Team

Most field teams aim to be highly productive but are unable to define or live up to this unreachable dream. The importance of field sales CRM can be known when you are finally able to observe and follow exactly how productive your team’s exploits on the field have been. When you can finally say with confidence that you’re part of a highly productive field sales team, you will know that you chose the right Field CRM.

Bringing Field Team Members closer by removing barriers

Every team activity is now carefully thought out and is in line with the goals of the field team. The next greatest benefit of a using a field sales crm is that communication barriers are removed within the team and every member is now equally accountable for their actions on the field. Movement on the field becomes transparent when connectivity is greater as opposed to old-school field sales.

Removing Barriers
Field Tools

Field Tools on your Smartphone

All the tools you need during a typical field sales are now within reach right on your smartphone. Notifications, Documents, Graphs, and Inventories pop up whenever you want them to. Field Managers will be proud to send agents on the field who are equipped with competent tools and software.



Field Teams can be easily mobilized and deployed. But organizing them and managing them in a way that spells maximum productivity is a whole other ball game which is achievable with a Field Sales CRM System. Once you migrate your field activities to a Field CRM and begin utilising its features as mentioned above, expect to reach your goals and steadily move up the productivity ladder in no time.