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What is a CRM Platform?

For every business, there comes a point where they must choose a CRM platform to manage and organize their business operations. With the market offering umpteen number of options, the task of choosing the right CRM software can feel like a business decision involving the highest of stakes.

What is a CRM Platform?

In this situation, you need to have an effective strategy to sift through the bulk of options and choose the CRM platform that’ll bring maximum benefit to your business. Here, we’ll discuss what a CRM software is and how you can decide on the right CRM software for your business.

How to Choose the Right CRM Software?

A good CRM software will ideally be a mix of a number of tools in one platform. Here’s a checklist of items to check in your CRM software.


There should be just one dashboard. All your orders, leads and support tickets must land on this one dashboard. This helps you analyze your sales performance and customer relationships


The CRM platform should also be incorporated with a live chat support to Allow your team to receive queries via the dashboard itself – helping them solve tickets and respond to orders faster.


The CRM solution should also have customized email templates that you can use to send promotional emails to your customers/ leads.


The software should also have support related metrics which tells your agents the priority of the escalations. Your software should be able to segregate these escalations based on the information gathered from the customer.


It should incorporate a Telephony Integration software – which allows your support team to solve tickets faster by receiving calls directly from their PC. It should be integrated with a Knowledge Management Software which will help your support team refer to this software which is a bank of FAQ’S.


The CRM tools must also have the ability to auto assign tickets to your support team. Every conversation must be automatically filed under a unique ticket id. The software must also have a ticket inbox on the main dashboard with classified tags and labels helping you refer to these tickets so you clear escalations faster.

Definition of The (Right) CRM Platform

If you are striving to choose the right CRM platform, you should have a definite and actionable definition for the term ‘CRM platform’. This could help you sift and distinguish between the different CRM vendors in the marketplace.

In turn, this will help you choose the CRM software that makes the best impact on your business operations. The right CRM software will augment and improve your existing business operations to achieve higher operational efficiency and scalability. Ideally, a CRM software should comprehensively connect the different business touch points to streamline the flow of operations and data to achieve the best results. Usually, a CRM software gets offered based on specific modules for each industry. This requires individual businesses to buy the different modules and then try to integrate the different solutions to achieve the best results.

Definition Of The (Right) CRM Platform

Instead, an end-to-end CRM platform enables businesses to manage their entire operations within a single platform. This will allow you to streamline your entire operations and lets you manage your customer data within a unified and secure platform. An end-to-end CRM platform lets you combine different operationssuch as sales, customerservice and operations.

Within a cloud-CRM software, you can connect these different business touch points and streamline the flow of data. With the CRM platform comprehensively connecting different touch points, it also automates the task of aggregating business data. In turn, this will enable you to start generating insightful reports based on collected data and consistently achieve successful business outcomes.

What are the Features of an Ideal CRM Software?

As pointed out, your business could benefit from having an end-to-end CRM system that improves the different aspects of your business operations. True to its name, this can include managing lead inquiries, sales management, managing customer interactions, daily operations and ensuring higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Icons Lead Management

In order to understand lead management system, we need to take a look at the sales process. Simply stated, the goal of sales process is successfully converting the acquired leads into customers. But typically, most organizations have a limited lead to sale conversion ratio(>5). In order to achieve conversion, a prospecting lead needs to be channeled through multiple stages of sales pipeline to achieve the final conversion. These different stages include lead acquisition, lead interactions, and the final sales conversion. A lead management software helps you automate and simplify the different parts of the lead management process. A lead management software combines the different lead channels such as website forms, lead forms, chat forms in a single dashboard. In turn, the lead management CRM automates different lead processing activities such as assigning leads, prioritizing responses and improving the quality of your leads. This will allow you to streamline leads, cut-down on response time, set an automated lead response timeline or even set the approval of new orders. You can also set-up and follow a lead follow-up sequence that will help you increase the conversions. By handling all the different lead-related activities through a single platform, you can cut-down on the time for processing leads and provide better lead responses. This will definitely help you boost the number of conversions.

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Icons Sales Management Across The Board

Today, sales is a fast-paced process that demands nuanced communication and decision-making skills. Normally, the sales manager needs to continuously divide his/her attention between different prospects. A sales management system can unify and streamline the different sales processes within a single cloud platform. Here are some ways a sales CRM could become a force multiplier for your sales team. A mobility-first sales CRM enables the managers to take remote decisions on all the deals. The sales funnel categorizes prospects based on their current interest levels. A sales manager can simply assign individual leads to sales agents, track the progress of individual deals etc. Also, the entire sales team can save valuable field time that could be wasted at mundane data entry tasks. By connecting the different touch points, you can also automate the aggregation of business data within the CRM platform. This helps you generate the most in-depth and accurate reports about the performance of your business. In short, the CRM helps you automate and streamline your sales processes to generate higher revenue. A Sales CRM tool connects and streamlines all your lead sources to a single lead dashboard. It allows you to evaluate and segregate the leads on the sales funnel as per their probabilities of closure. Later, you can take the right steps to realize actual deal closures.

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Icons Employee Task Organization

In order to perform at its best, all organizations need to communicate clear instructions and tasks to each employee. But most employees and teams face confusion or even conflict around their daily operations. In this situation, you need a system to organize employee daily task on a regular basis. A CRM platform can implement a clear hierarchy for your entire workforce. Within this system, you can assign and streamline the right tasks to the right employee. You can easily assign and streamline the right tasks to the right employee. Afterward, you can also set automation rules to decide which particular tasks get assigned to an individual employee. The cloud-CRM platform also tracks and aggregates data concerning your employee activities. This allows you to generate reports about the individual tasks and activities. For a sales team, regularly upcoming meeting stream mean a steady stream of opportunities. But there are numerous problems that you need to overcome to achieve this objective - picking the right prospects, managing timings, setting meeting objective, managing prospect relationships etc. A CRM meeting management solution helps you manage and assign your daily meetings. You can also engage and interact with the acquired leads to convert them into potential opportunities.

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Icons Integrated Helpdesk Software

A business should have the infrastructure and manpower to successfully answer queries or resolve issues of its pool of customers. For a running business, it may not be always possible to increase the size of support team along with the expanding number of customers. A helpdesk software or customer service CRM platform enables a business to manage large volume of customer inquiries, while effectively ensuring a higher quality of customer correspondence. Within the helpdesk software, the ticketing dashboard converts each customer interaction into a ticket form. The Omni-channel integration streamlines different customer inquiry channels into a single dashboard. After completing the ticket, you can also collect data on customer satisfaction for a particular query based on the NPS score. Simplify your operations by effectively streamlining the customer support processes with A CRM software’s uniquely designed and well-tailored system. A CRM does an extraordinary job of handling customer details, enquiries, historical data, feedback, and complain. Its functionalities allows you to add customer contact details for future references. All emails/calls/chats received from customers are automatically assigned based on the priority tickets for faster query resolution. The interactions are easily visible in a single dashboard which provides a greater business transparency and accountability. Agents can view them in one single-click and resolve them quickly. It opens the door to easy booking confirmations and cancelations.

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Icons All-Round Flexibility

Each business is inherently different with its own challenges. Normally, a CRM software may not be able to fulfill all these requirements right out of the box. In this situation, the teams should simultaneously use multiple systems in parallel.

In this situation, which could lead to discontinuity in the workflow or operational inefficiency. Instead of the inefficient multitasking between applications, a flexible CRM system lets you integrate 3rd party software for that particular business application. Within a customized CRM platform, you can connect different parts of the business process to scale a more efficient process.

1. Create continuous organizational workflows,
2. Receive leads from different 3rd party industry portals,
3. Start managing complete order, accounting, and payments in a single platform,
4. Maintain the latest updated data across the board
5. Share and manage customer intelligence.

In this way, a flexible CRM system can integrate multiple 3rd party software to create a comprehensive workflow to manage your entire operations. Monitor Key SLA's, agent productivity, call, chat, email, social media ticket status through a single dashboard. Analyze key issues & escalations quickly and have custom workflows created to deal with them. Internally collaborate with multiple departments to resolve multiple tickets faster & enhance customer service.

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Icons Inbuilt Customer Profiling Platform

A well-implemented CRM software can comprehensively cover all the business-customer interaction points. This allows you to comprehensively collect customer data, enabling you to create a complete picture of your customers. Based on previous customer interactions, the CRM platform can collect information about a range of factors including customer taste, preferences, previous purchases, service interactions etc. This data also lets you segment customer interests and generate reports that give you actual customer intelligence. The customer profile management involves collecting and utilizing comprehensive data about their customers. The customer profile analysis involves comprehensively recording and managing all the customer's previous interactions with the business. This informs you about the current customer preferences and choices. By segmenting your audience via customer zones, you can create a specific segment that applies specific messages to suit particular audience profiles. It also enables you to increase the penetration among your target audience. CRM-based Customer profiling helps you realize the shortest and most effective path to reaching and acquiring your customers. Otherwise, having to appeal to your customers may become a circumventing process that fails to realize the true potential of your business. It also enables you to reach and engage with your audience in significantly better ways.

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What are the Benefits of having an End-To-End CRM Software?

Let's look into the benefits of using the right CRM software.

What are he Benefits

Icons Generate Higher Speed For Business Operations

Today, all businesses are required to be quick and agile within the scope of their daily operations.

For this, your business should possess a higher efficiencyin their daily operations. On a normal working day, a normal business might be beset by multiple factors that slows-down the daily operations.

For example, let’s consider you are a distributor taking a new customer order. Between the retailer issue and completing an order, there are multiple steps to be completed such as invoice, quotes, delivery process etc.

Potentially, any of these parts could possibly slow down your order completion process.

A CRM platform can unify these multiple parts involved in the order completion. It also combines the updates about your latest orders in a single dashboard. This allows you to streamline your entire operations to achieve a higher efficiency.

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Icons Leverage The Power Of Business Analytics

For a digital marketer, the Google analytics software can aggregate business data and generate precise reports.

This forms a precise idea of what’s working and which parts of the online web presence require serious work. This involves two parts namely aggregating the necessary data and generating reports using that information.

Likewise, the business analytics software aggregates in-depth business data. Afterwards, an inbuilt CRM reporting engine could generate accurate reports based on this data.

By generating 360-degree reports, the businesses can now make better-informed decisions concerning your business operations.

A well-integrated CRM software automatically covers the different business touch points.

This will enable you to streamline the data across different touch points concerning your ongoing operations. You will also be able to drill down and review particular aspects of your business operations.

In this way, you can create insightful reports that will help you make better decisions concerning your business.

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Icons Mobility-First Operations

If you have your team members at different geo-locations, it's possible that your ongoing communication is fragmented and disconnected.

In this situation, an online CRM solution may not be adequate to connect and combine the different ongoing operations. In this situation, a mobility-first CRM system helps you bring your entire team operations within one unified CRM platform. A mobile CRM allows you to send automated messages, send and approve customer orders, set and edit field transit plans, generateautomated daily sales reports etc.

For salespeople, the mobility-first platform lets you cut back on the response time (FRT) associated with each customer interaction. This dramatically increases your chance of building a long-term relationship with a customer.

In this way, a mobility-first CRM platform enables automated updating of information connected to your business performances.

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Icons Create Smarter Workflows To Manage Business-Specific Activity

The right CRM solution can help you optimally manage your workflow, helping you make it more time and resource efficient.

Often, you may encounter a situation where you need to carry-out specific activities as a part of your daily business operation. In this case, a generic CRM solution may not be able to achieve this objective.

In this situation, you need a customized CRM platform that will enable you to undertake specific tasks in a much easier way. This will help you create a workflow within your business operations. In turn, this will help you improve your operational efficiency as well as conceive a smarter business flow.

For example, let’s consider a situation where the service center representative needs to visit a customer location, then recognize an issue and procure a specific spare part.

Under normal circumstances, the service center personnel needs to pay multiple visits to a customer location to complete a replacement. Needless to say, this turns out to be costly for both service center and the customer. In this situation, a service center CRM can create an alternate workflow to procure a specific spare part and resolve the customer issue. Later, the service rep needs to visit the customer location and fix the product.

If you want to learn more, you can click here to learn more about service center operation.

This will help you increase your customer satisfaction and drive more product sales.

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The right CRM software helps both small and large organizations to manage and optimize their business operations across the board. An end-to-end CRM platform enables you to streamline your entire business operations and achieve higher operational efficiency. A customized CRM platform can connect different parts of the business process to create a more efficient organization. It’ll help you to

  • Create continuous organizational workflows

  • Receive real-time data from different 3rd party industry portals

  • Maintain the latest updated data ]across the board

  • Share and manage customer intelligence.

  • Start managing complete order, accounting and payments in a single platform

A unifying CRM tool can help your team to handle their daily work organized through a straight-forward workflow. This will enable you to collect, organize and manage the business data through a single platform. The right CRM platform will also help you deliver much more user-friendly customer experience.