Quick Commerce:

Quick Commerce: Catering to Changing Needs of The Customers

The e-commerce landscape has quickly adapted to the changing needs of customers. The modern consumer journey is focused on speed. Potential stakeholders in the eCommerce ecosystem are concerned about how to adapt to swings in demand and supply. 

Speedy service needs to deliver swift resolutions to be in sync with the fast-growing environment. The blog explores the ways in which you can modernize your customer support and deliver a delightful experience to your customers.


Growth of Quick Commerce

Growth of Quick Commerce over the span of 5 years


The role of an intelligent customer service platform in Quick Commerce

Quick commerce is made up of different and close connecting points which makes it fast and convenient for the end customers. 

  • The nearby store- When the customer orders, the nearest store is assigned to pack the order.
  • Delivery partner- The nearest delivery partner then collects the order from the store and delivers it to the customer.
  • Customer- The customer receives and verifies the order placed by them.

Customer Experience Attribute

Image Source

Service automation platforms like Kapture bring all the data and information from multiple access touch-points to a unified space to help the agents take contextually fair resolutions. 

Ways we can help quick commerce deliver fast and quick resolutions to customers-

  • Combining data with AI and ML

Almost 90% of chatbot users view chatbots as acceptable to extremely helpful – Source

With its vast ability to multitask and reply quickly to automated queries, AI is rapidly disrupting the customer service market. AI-assisted automation of customer support platforms may create solutions with accuracy and speed that humans cannot match, by minimizing research time and providing extensive action plans.

AI for customer support will not only make self-service interfaces more intuitive and cost-effective, but it will also help predict unique client needs based on context, previous chat history, and preferences.

Here is how AI and ML-powered support platforms can help in delivering fast and contextual resolutions and can be a perfect match for your quick commerce.

  • Identify customer queries
  • Process and learn from information gathered
  •  Define consumer activity patterns 
  • Determine their frequent decisions and preferences
  • Provide solutions and appropriate products.
  • Send out proactive alert messages.
  • Offer tailored deals and discounts.
  • Provide real-time and accurate assistance  (FAQs, help blogs, reports)
  • Reduce client abandonment and complaints by resolving issues before they arise.

A small example supports the above points. Customer orders groceries and finds out that one item is missing from their order. They immediately contact the support chatbot in the application. It already knows the items ordered and lists all the possible issues a customer may face. 

The customer just has to tap and navigate through the menu to get their resolution. The AI-powered chatbot delivers a resolution based on all the past customer information like past orders, past ticket history, and more. A direct refund or replacement is offered if it’s a one-time thing or if the customer shops regularly from the platform. Chatbot transfers the chats to an agent if it’s a regular issue with the customer so that it can be investigated and eliminated permanently. 

This gives a rich and smooth experience to both customers and agents. The customers get fast resolutions and agents can deal with more complex issues. 

The result of implementing AI in your quick commerce business is

  • No wait time
  • Quick resolution
  • Prompt escalation
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • High-grade service solutions
  • Improved commitment level
  • Increased brand reputation

With such wide scope of intelligent assistance and pre-emptive recommendations, companies will leave behind rich customer experience.


  • Reports that really help

With powerful insights into your customer support operations help you identify and minimize the issues going on in your support operations. 

  • Agent performance reports
  • SLA reports
  • Consistently recurring issue reports
  • NPS, CSAT, AHT, and other important metrics reports

Reports in your desired formats can help you manage all your customer support operations and plan things according to them.


  • Taking and implementing feedback

Collecting customer feedback is an important part of every business. A good customer service automation platform ensures that you are always updated about how your customers feel and think about you. A feedback form at the end of every chat conversation or a mail after a call can make things easier for your agents. Improve your services by implementing feedback into your system to make your customers feel heard and valued.


  • Self-serve portal for quick help

According to the Harvard Business Review, 81% of all customers attempt to take care of issues themselves before reaching out to a live representative – across industries – Source

Customers getting their items delivered in 10 mins expect their query to be resolved in less than that time. Consumers will be able to effortlessly interact with enterprises via cloud-based apps, enabling more proactive self-service that recognizes their wants and gives answers and solutions without them even having to ask a question to an agent.

Navigating through solutions and finding answers on their own not only speeds up the resolution process but also reduces the volume of tickets for the agents. The agents can resolve more complex issues when the customers are empowered with a self-serve portal for small issues.


Kapture helps in delivering quick solutions to quick commerce 


Quick commerce is built to deliver convenience and a delightful experience to consumers. The quicker it is, the better it can serve your customers. The customer service they expect from a quick commerce platform is even faster. Immediate solutions are what a customer expects and looks for when they order something from quick commerce platforms. 

Kapture is a service automation platform that can help your customer support team to deliver seamless resolutions. It’s an AI and ML-powered platform that can make data-driven decisions for your agents and provide dynamic solutions according to different scenarios. It is the right tool to make your agent’s life easier with ready-made AI-powered solutions. 

If these are your business goals too, then Kapture can help you achieve that and create a significant impact on your key metrics. Get in touch with us to learn how

About the Author

Nimit Kumar
Ankit Kochar
Ankit Kochar is a content writer at Kapture CRM who loves to write creative as well as informative content. He has worked as a creative and academic content writer in the past and has a keen knowledge of writing reports, essays and dissertations. His current field is helping him research and hone his SaaS knowledge.



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