5 significant ways how mobile CRM impacts sales team productivity
Revolution in technology has enabled mobile phones to be one of the biggest innovations of the 21st century. With smartphones, everything is available at the fingertips. Everything has now reached or has been customized for mobile phones so that one can use it at one’s convenience. Even the CRM platform has evolved with time. The latest CRM software can now be used on smartphones. This is one of the major benefits of a mobile CRM as it can be accessed from anywhere and can be even used on the field.
The sales department is the one which has got the maximum benefits with this because they can access it on the field which is very useful for them. Let’s see how mobile CRM helps to improve the productivity of the sales team.
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Track location :
CRM software can be used for connecting, updating and tracking the activities of your sales team. CRM is integrated with GPS tracking which records the location of the employee, their mode of transport, and intermediary stops. GPS location reporting makes an employee accountable for all the activities like meetings, travel, negotiations, etc. One can also be rewarded for the best performance using data from the CRM.
Set Reminder & Alerts :
A sales agent has the habit of keeping alerts and reminders of various meetings and follow-ups. CRM has its own schedule manager which can help you maintain your reminders in the calendar itself. One can also manage the meeting timings, and allocate timings to each task and manage the total number of tasks. CRM helps you schedule your calendar better so as to smartly attend all the meetings.
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Communication Tool :
CRM software enables you to communicate with your employees at ease, throughout the day. You can send instructions, receive order and send intimations. With CRM at hand, you also have the ability to assign new tasks to the sales team, with guidelines on how to move forward. Live enquiries can also be forwarded through the CRM.
Instant file sharing :
Documents of the CRM software are stored in cloud storage and can be accessed from anywhere. CRM is 100% secure and ensures that all your data is protected. The CRM software gets automatically updated on a real-time basis which ensures that you will have the most updated documents, at any given point in time. It makes your life very easy and relaxed.
Email and Chat Integration :
You can configure your inbox with CRM so as to access it anywhere at any time. You can segregate the emails which you receive into different criteria and allocate them to different departments for their respective follow-ups. CRM also features the integration of live chat using which you can communicate with your fellow teammates. This helps your team to grow as a team. You can also broadcast important messages for relaying important messages. You can also integrate the leads from your call centers and all these leads can be tracked and allocated to the respective department through IVR integration.
If you want to increase the productivity of your sales department, then having an integrated mobile CRM software is the way to go forward.
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