Live Chat Software

5 live chat tips that can help boost your business

With technology revolutionizing the customer relationships, we’ve come to notice that live chat tool has become a major trend in sales, customer support and business marketing.  Recent survey shows that 52% consumers are more likely to repurchase from a brand or company that offers live chat. Live chat not only engages your customers and prospects in meaningful conversations but helps in higher website conversion rates as well.

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If your organization has a live chat tool, which you’re looking to upgrade, then Kapture CRM would be your go-to option! Here are some tips to increase the effectiveness and functionality of the platform.


  1. Reduce the response time: One of the most significant metric in improving customer service is faster response time. When customers receive quick responses, they feel heard and that their issues are attended to in a professional manner. Needless to say, slow response time reduces customer satisfaction. Using the live chat tool offered by Kapture CRM, your support agents can attend to four to five customers at a time, delivering quick responses.
  2. Automating live chats: While live chats have proven themselves to be an important factor in enhancing the quality of customer service, it can also be time consuming as it requires agents to manually attend to customers. However, this problem can be solved with chat bots. These bots automate the process of customer interaction, saving your business both human resources and time. It’s important to note that complex or priority issues that the bots are unable to solve can be pushed to support agents. Some of the advantages of automated chat bots include:
    • Round the clock support: Using chat bots, you can provide 24/7 support to your customers even when agents are not around.
    • Reduced number of tickets: By responding to basic queries and resolving simple issues, chat bots reduce the number of incoming helpdesk tickets.
  1. Measure customer satisfaction after each chat conversation: Feedback is very instrumental in measuring and altering your live chat practices. Have a feedback system which asks customers to rate their live chat experience and review the product or the service. Later, filter the feedback received on the basis of priority and improve your products and customer service.
  2. Omni-channel support: As an organization, you will have many sources of incoming customer messages. This includes chat, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and so on. By integrating all these interactions in one dashboard helps your support agents respond to them in a fast and efficient manner. In addition to this, omni-channel support helps support agents resolve issues without having to switch applications and not lose context of previous interactions.
  3. Personalize your chat conversations: Personalization of chat interactions helps in increasing customer satisfaction and retention. This can be done using many simple steps like including the name of the customer in the message and adding polite greetings.

In addition to the above mentioned tips, you can also use several methods to enhance your customer support based on the needs and business use cases. Using your chat tool effectively can boost your customer service operations in a quick manner. Have more questions about live chat tool and how it can help your business?

Reach out to Kapture CRM today and request for a demo today!


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