How AI Is Reshaping the App Development
Mobile apps have pioneered advancements in technology, the capability of software and analytics, and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Apps are now more intuitive than ever before. With thousands entering the market, now is the time for companies to show how this technological partnership can help them shine.
While the uses for apps vary, the vast majority of consumers rely on mobile applications to help them to complete different tasks. Whether that’s keeping track of appointments or creating a monthly budget, AI’s ability to learn and adapt holds the potential to create a unique user experience that changes with each individual.
Defining the Intelligent App
An intelligent app requires both data analysis and machine learning. These two technologies are considered cornerstones in the market. Combined with AI, this trifecta allows for an increased level of flexibility through coherent interfacing with REST APIs.
As ML algorithms and learning services are re-used, AI begins to understand the user. It doesn’t just know what the user wants, it knows the why behind their motive. This understanding allows the app to offer suggestions, complete simple tasks, and even provide solutions to life’s challenges.
Intelligent apps study context, providing relevant information in-line with user behaviour. This can come in the form of:
● Responding to queries for the user
● Automating tasks
● Predicting what a user would say in any given situation
● Storing previous interaction habits for simple use in the future
● Knowing when to inform you of notifications
● and Understanding cause and effect through the use of “If ____, then ____” commands
These advanced algorithms allow companies to produce astonishing new apps as well as build better user interaction on their previously existing ones. There are numerous aspects to how a business can utilize AI through an application, though.
Predictive capabilities are the norm for online shopping these days. Search for anything on Amazon and you’ll see a list of suggested items the next time you visit their site. E-commerce applications rely on the same type of experience, creating custom-made shopping experiences for each individual user.
AI holds the power to become a personal store clerk, responding to commands and executing various actions. It can take the form of a customer service representative in the form of a chatbot, answering important questions about a product or service.
The information gathered from these services allows companies to analyze consumer shopping preferences and online buying behaviour. Leveraging that information leads to an increase in satisfied customers, which ultimately equals higher revenue.
Running a Business
Science-fiction has always painted an image of computers wielding superb problem-solving capabilities over humankind. Deep Blue, the chess-playing computer, brought that fiction to life in 1996 by defeating a reigning world champion. Applying the same concept to businesses shows how AI can help increase the productivity of an operation.
With enough data, AI applications can provide suggestions for improving supply chains, logistics, and even manufacturing processes. Ultimately, these three areas directly affect the online buying experience. A smarter and more efficient business has always been proven to thrive in any market.
The only thing that AI cannot do yet is monitoring its own application. Additional software for keeping tabs on application performance aspects is still a vital part of the smart app. Software that allows you to monitor JVM performance in real time or isolate C# exceptions is essential to making sure your consumers can use the app without error.
Smart Automation
One area of AI that fascinates consumers is the ability to turn their home into a thinking smart hub. From thermostats to electrical outlets, your home can now begin to understand your daily habits and adjust aspects of your house accordingly. Controlling all of these smart features comes back to the central idea of an application with AI capabilities.
One app is capable of interacting with dozens of devices when prompted or on its own. The AC unit can shut off when the device is no longer in the app’s radius, the lights can dim as the phone (and user) leaves the room, and AI can dim the lights just right when it knows you’re about to watch a movie.
These advancements in everyday life are incredibly impressive, showcasing the power that current machine learning and AI technology possess. Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Apple’s Siri might lead this market, but that hasn’t stopped dozens of companies from investing in similar technology.
Reshaping the App
Apps are no longer one-ended experiences playing Centipede or taking selfies. They have adapted into a two-way street of communication that serves the user by learning their ways. Developing teams now focus on creating an application that understands cause and effect as well as the reasoning behind a decision.
While providing a one-of-a-kind user experience to each consumer, companies benefit from an intimate understanding of what their audience wants. Never before in the history of business or marketing has anyone been able to fully enter the mind of their customer base. The resulting effect is better companies, better business on both ends, and a more satisfied consumer.
The future of this market is bright and the current state is booming. Investing in these technologies now is a guaranteed ROI. However, you will need to separate yourself from the masses by offering something specific to your brand.
Just because Amazon Alexa is leading the charge of interactive smart devices does not mean the system is perfect. There’s always a way to better the user experience. Whether you find a way to better the interface or create an entirely new one, developing a smart app is a must for your business.
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