The 5 Love Languages To Customer Success How to apply it

Customer Success from a Love Book: Here’s How We Decoded It

Customer Love is two words that companies out there want to achieve every single day.

But what does customer love actually mean? Basically, it is the brand loyalty of a customer that is defined by their frequency of purchases, repeat rate of a product or a category, and the growth of their basket size with purchase cycles.

So, this love for a brand can grow significantly in the above metrics. But, learning to build and develop user relationships leading to organic, word-of-mouth marketing, or viral marketing is vital.

For instance, A customer on one of the social media channels asked for a free Samsung S3 mentioning all the products he had bought from Samsung with an artwork picture.

Though the company denied the request initially, the post went viral on Reddit and in turn got Samsung a huge publicity boost. This got Samsung to send a phone to the customer with the artwork picture on it. So what is clearly seen here? It shows the customer’s love for a brand and how the company in turn valued it.

The 5 Love Languages To Customer Success How to apply it

The 5 Love Languages To Customer Success How to apply it

Source: digitalbrandinginstitute

To dig a little deeper, in this blog, we discuss love languages to customer success by comparing it with Gary Chapman’s book “ The 5 Love Languages”. 

The key categories in the book are explained as sub-points in the blog further, also written from a business perspective.


1. Receiving gifts

From the virtual to the real world, gifting remains the most alluring and is proven to attract and retain customers as well.

A gift keeps them hooked to the product and rewarding further will only motivate, increase loyalty, and let companies evaluate what customers want.

Try Chameleon’s blog says that gifts for your customers can be in the form of –

  • Special offers or coupons
  • Product Upgrades
  • Credits or Reward points

Also, besides these standard forms, offering a perk or something that can help assess the Customer love metric toward a brand is recommended.


2. Quality time

In busy schedules such as ours, companies that take the time to resolve our problems and put themselves out there first for customers are applauded everywhere.

Considering these factors listed below can make a ton of difference for customer satisfaction:

  • Increasing the attention w.r.t the out of product channels. (For instance: Support conversations)
  • Adding more personalized products for customers
  • Curating messages and notifications that direct customers to the exact solutions.
  • Incorporating gamification techniques to attract customers and show the product in trending forms.


3. Words of Affirmation

Kind or complimentary words in an email or a message shared with customers always reflect well on your brand.

As a matter of fact, in our daily lives, we like to be congratulated on reaching our milestones or feel invited when starting off a new service or entering into a new contract.

So, these actions can make your customers feel special:

  • A simple ‘thank you’ announcement on social media channels for reaching desired sales numbers or reaching good numbers of followers. 
  • A handwritten note from the CEO expressing gratitude for the support, loyalty, and customer trust over the years.
  • A personalized email for onboarding or reaching a certain target assigned to a partner shall also get you a good number of eyeballs.
  • A personalized email, text message, and notifications for customers is by far the best strategy to make your customers feel valued.


4. Physical Touch

Physical touch in a business is the level of interactive touchpoints a brand creates for the customers.

To attract everyone’s attention, physical interactions play a major role, and providing options to help customers understand and be assisted with the services will raise the trust factor.

For a successful presence across customers, these are the options chosen by many profound businesses:

  1. Conferences, webinars, and events
  2. Customer site visits and special training sessions
  3. 24/7 online support (Social media channels, email, phone, and chat)
  4. Using swag marketing (sending promotional products for more reach)

Further. companies have also organized roadshows or specific product demos to reach customers in different places not confined to a specific location.


5. Acts of Service

Acts of service do not just mean “Being good in the eyes of Customers” or a charity donation for a company. Here in the SaaS world, a company that offers interactive design, feedback consideration, and quick customer resolution rates is the king.

By offering good customer support, the following ways can also be considered to increase your customer love.

  1. The “Aha” moment direction
  2. Human value service 
  3. Resolution of internal team issues for quicker results

Out-of-the-box ideas to offer smart solutions to problems carrying a humane value within their ecosystem is a laudable approach. 

For example, a company like Lyft that offers ride-hailing services to people took a clear shot at offering services in “Green Mode” on its mobile app. This option offers people to book electric cars for their rides and is much cheaper than conventional vehicles. 

On the other hand, companies also need to find solutions for issues being faced by internal teams that eventually lead to employee churn or burnouts.

Consider a customer support solution like Kapture, that offers features like: 

  • Agent Assistant Window: All the customer support agents can reply to queries or request much faster and increase the number of resolving tickets with the agent assistant window. It offers automated message replies to every customer that agents have to just tap to send according to the requests. 
  • AI-powered chatbots: AI-powered Chatbots at Kapture offer quick solutions for repetitive queries. Businesses can create auto-responses for queries based on keywords and direct customers to the relevant departments. 


How to Measure Customer Love

The most common way that most brands use is the NPS scale. (Net Promoter Score)

An NPS scale measures how likely a user would recommend your product/service to others, on a scale of 0 to 10. 

Any Score that is above zero is good as it specifies that a business has more promoters than detractors. (Promoters are brands that would mostly recommend your brand to others and detractors are the ones who would not.)

And how can you collect NPS feedback?  

Normally, you can run web and email surveys online and calculate the NPS scores using the formula given below: 

NPS = % Promoters – % Retractors.

But, a customer support platform like Kapture helps in collecting NPS feedback right after customer interactions on a phone or email by auto-generating the messages. 


One-Stop Solution For Improving Customer Love

We’ve told you all about translating the love languages to customer love by comparing it with a book. But, what if we tell you there is just one tool that can help you with all these?

Kapture, a customer service software automates and eases multiple customer support processes for businesses across industries.

A SaaS-based Customer Support Automation platform with features such as omnichannel data access, field force automation, self-serve, and an automated agent assistant, it is an accurate tool for businesses that helps improve the first resolution rates, enhancing customer satisfaction.


About the Author

Sunith Ramachandra
Sunith Ramachandra
Sunith Ramachandra says, “Content writing is all about using the right words for the right audience”. At kapture he does exactly the same writing content to create conversations and conversions online.


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