Employee Learning Strategies to Optimize Workplace Success

9 Employee Learning Strategies to Optimize Workplace Success

Any successful organization needs an efficient and motivated workforce. Efficient staff translates into increased outputs, happy customers, and healthy bottom lines.

Effective workplace training produces employees who know how to do their jobs, are highly motivated, and exude confidence.

Skilled employees increase productivity and performance for any organization. They have intrinsic knowledge of the company’s values and goals and they genuinely care for the company.

“In business, what’s dangerous is not to evolve.”

– Jeff Bezos

It’s all good having an efficient workforce but if you don’t invest in employee learning strategies and employee training strategies, your once razor sharp employees might just turn into very dull blades.

An effective workplace training program helps you to meet the needs of your company. It also helps your employees do their jobs properly.

Employee Learning Strategies to Optimize Workplace Success

Image source: elearningindustry.com

It’s always a good idea for you to conduct effective workplace training for all your employees.

Your seniormost manager to the newest rookie can benefit from an effective workplace training program.

With the changing work culture, especially after the pandemic, it is now even more imperative to start implementing learning and development (L&D) programs for your company.

It’s never too early or too late to think about implementing employee learning strategies.


Nine Employee Learning Strategies to Optimize Workplace Success

An optimized workplace will be a hotbed of efficient and motivated employees. 

Nurturing your employees to reach their full potential needs to be a priority with any organization.

Employee Learning Strategies to Optimize Workplace Success

Image source: blog.psyft.com

Listed below are Nine employee learning strategies for a successfully optimized workplace:


1. Perform an effective workplace training needs assessment

The first thing that you need to do is identify the areas that need to be addressed by the employee training strategies. 

You need to be clear about the gaps that need to be filled. After that’s done you will have to decide on the different training modules to be incorporated.

You will have to identify the skill set of your employees that can benefit from an effective workplace training program.

Identifying these factors and being ready for the future will improve your efficiency and productivity.

2. Implement a Learning Management System (LMS)

Employee learning strategies on a large scale can be hard to implement. These employee learning strategies involve designing custom resources for individual needs, tracking progress and gathering resources to fill in knowledge gaps.

A learning management system (LMS) allows you to personalize your employee training strategies. 

It curates the best resources available for whatever training is required in a multi-mode setting.

3. Use data for optimized decisions

Try to create a learning program for identifying knowledge gaps and employee training strategies that can fill them.

You can also use data to measure the impact of the interventions that were put in place, through performance metrics.

4. Create user-centric learning environments

Think ‘people first’, whenever designing your employee learning strategies. Focus on the people rather than on the program.

Flexible modules designed around your employees schedules and interests have more chances of being successful than unengaging and boring ones.

Be sure to update and upgrade your training resources and programs regularly. 

In an online world where technology and information get outdated very quickly this is very important.

Finally, offer the employee training strategy tools via multi-device applications.

Let your employees catch up on their training through their phones, laptops, or tablets. 

They’re much more likely to go through with the training if it’s offered in this manner.

5. Create a holistic growth environment for your employees

Just prioritizing the bottom dollar doesn’t count as good company culture. You can’t just look at how well your employees are working.

A productive employee cannot be measured just on his professional output, his personal issues are just as important.

Employee learning strategies should incorporate social welfare topics such as parenting, mental health, etc. in addition to more conventional business-oriented modules.

6. Create an enjoyable teamwork environment

Teamwork and collaboration have taken new meanings since the Covid 19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the global economy.

Work from home culture, virtual and remote work means that employees are interacting less and differently with each other.

It is up to you to bridge these social interaction gaps by creating effective workplace training strategies.

Focus on non-work interactions and social employee learning strategies to create an enjoyable teamwork environment.

7. Make resources available

Make sure that employee learning strategies are relevant to your employees.

Training them on something that has no immediate impact can be detrimental for them as an effective workplace training program.

Make sure the topics are thoughtfully curated and applicable as well as easily accessible to the employee.

8. Establish and emphasize the company’s values and vision

Employees who know what the company’s values and visions are will be more inspired and invested in their work.

They will know where they are in the company’s scheme of things and what they can strive for.

Implementing a module on the company’s history, values and vision is also an effective workplace training strategy.

9. Ask employees for feedback

Employee feedback is an effective workplace training process. Often it’s the employee who knows which skills they have to develop for them to improve their performance.

Employee feedback can help you invest in the proper employee training strategies to further develop your business.


Seven effective workplace training options

Now that your strategies for optimizing the workplace are complete you’ll have to choose which options will suit you best to do that.

Employee Learning Strategies to Optimize Workplace Success

Image source: www.globibo.com

  • Classroom style training

The most common option for conducting employee learning strategies is this familiar and easily accessible method of training. This can be done for a lot of employees with limited technology.

The downside is that it is not as effective as other technology-based employee learning strategies.

  • Coaching or mentoring

This option is optimal for transferring knowledge from a seasoned company veteran to an up-and-coming employee.

The best part of this method is the transfer of soft skills which cannot be done through any training manuals.

  • Lunch and Learn

As the name suggests, the company usually throws in lunch as well for this option.

This is an informal employee training strategy. 

These are usually seminars where only certain employees are offered certain skill upgrades.

  • Hands-on training

Similar to coaching or mentoring, this method will have a coach helping you but the coach will be more of a guide.

This employee learning strategy involves the employee getting thrown into the deep end from day 1 to gain first-hand experience.

  • Learning through the ‘flow of work’

One of the most productive options for effective workplace training, this method is optimal for reducing post-training knowledge loss.

This employee learning strategy lets an employee learn as they work without any stops in between the process.

  • Cross-training

An option particularly useful for small businesses, employees are trained in various skills needed within a company to fill in gaps as and where it’s needed.

  • e-Learning

One of the best options for an effective workplace training program. This is a great option for remotely training employees through various platforms.

An employee can use their laptop, phone, or tablet to access the employee learning strategies. 

This method can be time-bound or open-ended allowing for a flexible way for the employee to interact with the employee training strategy program.

E-Learning is also one of the most cost-effective and interactive effective workplace training programs that you can implement in your employee learning strategy.

Employees are the backbone of your company. Investing in them means you’re investing in yourself. 

Show your respect and gratitude by providing them with the most effective workplace training program that you can in order for them to achieve their potential. 

Kapture can help you optimize your employee learning strategies through custom-made modules designed according to your needs.

Click here to know more.


About the Author

Elvis Richard Cormuz
Elvis Richard Cormuz
Elvis hails from Darjeeling and has had vibrant work life experiences – a musician, social worker and freelance translator/transcriber, his hobbies include music, movies and reading.


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