Seniority accelerates CX with Kapture

Seniority Accelerates CX With Kapture

With Kapture’s Service CRM omnichannel approach Seniority, an eCommerce platform for the young-at-heart senior citizens has been able to deliver superior customer experiences to their audience.

Seniority is a platform specifically created for the senior citizen community. The platform is not just limited to medical products but also takes care of their routine needs.

Not just this, Seniority is building a community where the young-at-hearts beyond 50 years of age can join each other and make friends through enriching activities. 

Seniority indeed took this initiative to a new level by introducing the Evergreen Club App which helps the senior citizens learn new skills, participate in virtual activities, engage in fun workshops, connect and interact with like-minded people, engage in new hobbies and much more. It also helps and encourages seniors to build the true spirit of community and promote general well-being among all.

Offering care and convenience products, thereby building a community for the senior citizens is something that folks at Seniority feel passionate about. In fact, they even ensure that each and every customer receives the proper amount of attention and delightful customer support that gets them smiling.

Forming the realms of a support practice like this is quite a challenging task, but Seniority rightly understood that simplifying the support process could create an impact on the overall customer experience. Today, thousands of customers use their products and they ensure personalized customer experiences are delivered every single time. 

With Seniority’s rapid growth, the company began to think proactively about how to effectively scale the customer support efforts thereby reducing the TAT (turn around time). They sure needed the right partner who could comprehensively understand their efforts and scale along, with their growing requirements. 

“The average complaint resolution time for us was 15-20 days. We integrated Kapture with Magento and linked our various departments and within a span of one week, we started witnessing a positive difference. 

Our customer complaint resolution time has reduced from an average of 15-20 days to almost around 3-4 days. That’s a drastic change!.”

-Sunil Wankhade, Head of Customer Operations

When all the applications are integrated, the entire data set becomes available on one standardized platform which makes it easier to harness the relevant customer data and to further assist the agents in delivering intelligent and contextual resolutions. 

“Seniority with an unwavering focus on the highest levels of customer service provides care and convenience products to all seniors and their caregivers. Our goal is to offer the platform, tools and personalized support to ensure that they meet and exceed their standards of commitment by also prolifically scaling as many  times as required.”

– Akash Kakkar, VP – Operations, Kapture CRM

Customers today, look for variety and value but at the same time, expect exceptional customer experience as well. Seniority is meeting their expectations by harnessing customer data and providing the right tools to their support team. 

“Ticketing has been very close to my heart because it has helped me as an individual and the entire organization as well – to improve the overall CX (customer experience) by reducing complaints. Hence,  the Kapture ticketing platform has been of immense help.”

-Sunil Wankhade, Head of Customer Operations

By adopting the omnichannel approach, Seniority enabled customers to reach out to them using their preferred platform helping the support team to engage more efficiently with the customers. 

“We have integrated Kapture with all the tools which help acquire every information on one unified platform to analyze it better. Through Kapture, we have set a TAT and SLA for each ticket, so if a ticket crosses 24 hours, we get a notification alerting us about the pending query.

In fact, we have multiple dashboards on Kapture pertaining to open and closed tickets for all departments. Also, we have integrated E-mail, webchat and the cloud telephony with Kapture.”

-Sunil Wankhade, Head of Customer Operations

Lastly, Seniority is clear about its vision and goals and with the ever-growing community, it is striving to improve its services on a daily basis in addition to expanding internationally. 

Seniority, we wish you all the luck in the world for 2022!

” Kapture definitely makes things easy and it’s going to be a part of our journey:) “

-Sunil Wankhade, Head of Customer Operations


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