Everything You Need to Know About Migrating to Kapture CRM

CRM or Customer Relationship Management is not merely a buzzword today. It’s the bridge that fills the gap between you and your customers and helps in building healthy relationships with them. Data centralization, ticket management automation, customer support optimization – that’s what an efficient CRM is about. 

So, What does a CRM do?

  • Consolidate customer data onto a centralized database
  • Boost CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) rates
  • Automate every point of the customers’ journey
  • Provide real-time solutions 
  • Facilitate real-time, quick ticket resolutions among many other things

In short, CRM software provides all the essential tools to think about your enterprise from a customer’s point of view and provide service accordingly. For a customer-centric business, nothing drives profit than this methodology. 

According to research from PWC, “86% of customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience.”

How exactly does CRM software help your business?

No matter how small or big your business is, it’s vital to use efficient CRM software for productivity and growth. 

  • Increase Productivity: With CRM software, employees no longer have to engage in manual data entry. It automates every process. Like the Self-Service portal provided by Kapture CRM can automate repetitive tasks, relieving both customers and agents from wasting their precious time.
  • Integrated Operation for ticket management: The increase in digital platforms has made the management of tickets a tedious process. A CRM software integrates all tickets into a centralized location and ensures that there are no ticket backlogs, thus boosting CSAT rates.
  • Increase ROI and boost productivity: With a CRM system in place, it’s easy to retain a good customer. Retaining your customers is more budget-friendly than customer acquisition to boost your ROI.

     Research by Capterra shows that 47% of polled CRM users said “their CRM had a significant impact on customer retention.”

These are some of the benefits of CRM software for different industries, irrespective of their size, nature, or products.  

Choosing the right CRM software in a market swamped with promises is a heavy set of burdens. There are several reasons companies move to new CRM from their existing ones. 

  • Lack of cloud integrations: Integrating with back end-software and new applications save time and energy. Lack of CRM software to do so is one reason for switching. 
  • Complex Features: A research by Apptivo says that “CRM’s complexity is the main reason why companies get dissatisfied with their CRM system” and think about switching to another system.
  • Lack of Configurability (Customization): It is crucial to configure customers’ data in the initial set-up for customer segmentation. A lack of this can create a major gap in managing customer retention and reduces ROI.
  • Unavailability of Mobile apps: Lack of a remote-access facility for hassle-free customer experience and easy management is yet another major reason to switch your CRM.
  • No real-time reports: According to data overview “91% of CRM data is incomplete” and has poor management, making it difficult for team leads and managers to organize and manage customers’ data.       Once you learn about the benefits of using Kapture CRM, you will understand why switching your current CRM is beneficial for your business.
  • Cloud-based Omnichannel presence: Kapture CRM is a cloud-based platform that gives you access to information from anywhere, anytime. It also helps customers to reach out to you from any platform as it integrates with multiple channels and new apps for a hassle-free centralized experience. 
  • Operation management software: A CRM software can offer myriads of features, but it becomes hard when there are a lot of features but zero organization. This is where Kapture’s cloud-based operation management software comes in handy. Manage your distribution, keep track of demands, approve or cancel orders, and ensure profit all in a single cloud-based platform. 
  • Efficient Customer Data Management: Provide your customers with a personalized customer experience by keeping a track of all their data. Kapture CRM provides you with a detailed and organized customer data management system, which further helps you in customer segregation as well as effective customer retention to boost your ROI and maintain loyal customers. 
  • Mobile CRM: In addition to all these services, Kapture CRM also provides an organized mobile-enabled system, the Kapture Mobile CRM app. Track location via geotagging, monitor sales executives, share information, have access to all data from anywhere in the world at any time, and provide your customers with a hassle- friendly experience.
  • Customer 360% View: Provide your sales or customer agents with real-time reports as well as the entire history of a customer in a single dashboard. This makes it simple for agents to solve customer queries on a real-time basis without having to engage customers in a long and winding questionnaire section. Make your customers happy and make them want to stay with your business for a productive future ahead. 

In addition to all these benefits, the prime reason to migrate your CRM to Kapture CRM is security management. Security is a major concern when it comes to CRM. You have a lot of data and information out there which needs high protection. Kapture CRM’s security management is a tightly weaved system with various features.

  • GDPR ( General Data Protection Regulation) Compliance: Kapture CRM complies with GDPR, takes required measures, and prioritizes the protection of personal data and information.
  • User-Authorization level: Not everyone can access every data. Kapture CRM verifies who has access to data based on their levels of management. 
  • Two-factor Authentication: It provides two-factor authentication for logging into the data management system. 
  • Systemized provisioning process: Kapture CRM has wisely built a security system for revoking unauthorized access points, so that customer details and personal information are in a safe locker.
  • Real-time monitoring: The security management system also offers a monitoring system for user-activities to track all the access to the database. 

Though there are plenty of benefits and challenges of CRM migration, here are a few simple tips for easy migration to another CRM. 

  • Do proper and thorough research of current CRM systems available and ensure which one suits your business 
  • Find the gaps that your current CRM is unable to fill and then choose the new functionality that you want to add to your system.
  • Request for a demo of the new CRM software so that you never regret your decision. 

When all user-friendly features come in a single pack, don’t hesitate to leverage the benefits that Kapture CRM has to offer. Book a demo today and migrate to Kapture CRM and foresee your bright future with us. 

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